Case Studies
Discover success stories of companies we've helped to unlock the millions of potential of their products through Shopify and Amazon.

How Cheribundi's online store is technically catching up with Nike, Louis Vuitton & Co.
Food & Beverages
1 year
Conversion rate
Development time
8 weeks

How MySweetStitch is expanding its market leadership with full focus on Amazon and Shopify
Drugstore & Body Care
2 years
Increase in sales
Advertising cost share (ACoS)

How Seilflechter increased its Amazon sales by over 90% despite the weak economy
Sport & Leisure
3 Jahre
Increase in sales
Advertising cost share (ACoS)

How the WJD Group is becoming less dependent on retailers with its own online store based on Shopify
Kitchen, household & living
2 years
Time until go-live
6 weeks
Conversion rate

How NOBLEX E-Optics is building up its own e-commerce business alongside its core business
Electronics & Photo
3 years
Increase in sales
Development time
6 weeks

How O'ccaffè achieves higher sales with lower advertising costs with its new Amazon brand identity
Food & Beverages
4 years
Increase in sales
Advertising cost share (ACoS)